WordPress is the best Content Management System I have ever used. WP stays on top of every other blogging platforms be it in terms of security, customizability or any other criterion.
If you want to create a multi-author blog, WordPress is the best because you can assign roles for each user. According to the function each one performs, you can classify all your blog employees into editor, contributor, admin (most probably you) etc.
But being no contributor can upload media to your blog. It may become a headache for you because for a website publishing tens of posts each day, analyzing each one and uploading media will surely be a tedious task. So, the best thing is to allow WordPress contributors to upload media.
That’s why I am here with an article on how to allow WordPress contributors to upload media.

How to Allow WordPress Contributors to Upload Media

If you are a WP user, you might have wandered around all of its settings. Have you ever found a setting to change the permissions of users? I know you haven’t because there is no such inbuilt option available.
So, here, you are going to know how to allow WordPress contributors to upload media in two different ways.

How to Allow WordPress Contributors to Upload Media Using a Plugin

The easier way to allow WordPress contributors to upload media is to use a plugin. The biggest advantage of WP is the ability to be customized using the plugins.
So, follow the steps given below to achieve your aim.
Step 1: Login to your WordPress blog by entering correct credentials. And, go to Plugins>> Add new.
Step 2: Search for User Role Editor there. Check the image given below to find out which plugin to choose from the list you get.
Step 3: Click Install now button and don’t forget to activate the same. Alternatively, you can download the zipped plugin from WordPress repository and upload it.
Step 4: Now, just below each user, you can see a new option called ‘Capabilities’. Click on it.
Step 5: You will find a big list of checkboxes. Tick the one that says upload_files.
That’s all. You did it.

How to Allow WordPress Contributors to Upload Media by Editing Functions file

Here, you have to edit functions.php file to inject upload_files option. It is not a Herculean task. Just open functions.php file and add the following code.
That’s all. You have done it.